Jon Preston
JoinedPosts by Jon Preston
Letter From WTBTS Evidence of Mind Control Tactics
by Corvin inthe following is taken from ray franz's book, crisis of conscience, pages 341-344. this letter, sent out to all traveling representatives, circuit overseers, by the service department of the international headquarters, shows the society's demand for comformity no matter the cost to the rank and file.
jw lurkers: please read carefully.
the portion of the letter in blue is of particular interest, and franz's comments nails the governing body's intent.. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
ABBA and how men have misused it and more spiritual gems from this weeks meeting!!!
by Jon Preston inwell what a great spiritual feast weve had!
im not going to go into the "bible study" because it was more about how merciful and loving etc that god is.. so fast forward to the school:.
the bibke reading was intriguing gen 17-20. the only thing i found interesting was this:.
Jon Preston
if God wanted control and unity his biggest mistake was creating free will for us....I told Elder at my home Bible study "How were Adam and Eve perfect? Werent they duped by a talking snake?" Alas the reaction i got was interesting as he fumbled and twisted his words to figure it out....didnt happen. Lol
22 I'm getting mad
by Angus Beef inventing.... hubby visited with sil (with gotee intact), got the wt don't approve speech and the 'we've been missing you at the meetings".. he gave all the excuses he could for why we weren't there.
i'm at the point of just telling them the truth as why... but we will be giving up our grandchildren.
i just don't know if i can do it, give up the grandkids.
Jon Preston
And ill grow a soul patch and stuff a soci in my tight pants and not wear a coat. :-O
Reading the Bible with my wife.
by FadeToBlack inafter she came home today from the meeting and we had a big discussion about the need for christains to meet together.
she was very concerned that i would not survive the coming big a. i suggested that we start reading the bible together (just to show her i wasn't uninterested )and try to keep up with the wt schedule.
she agreed.
Jon Preston
Design or Non-Design, finally we know, Darwin's Doubt
by QC inif you want to read the definitive explanation on fossils and how life arrived its covered in darwins doubt, by s.c. meyer.
this is a game changer.
the bomb!.
Jon Preston
If not ill go on staring at my avatar thing since im still trying to figure out whats what on it
Design or Non-Design, finally we know, Darwin's Doubt
by QC inif you want to read the definitive explanation on fossils and how life arrived its covered in darwins doubt, by s.c. meyer.
this is a game changer.
the bomb!.
Jon Preston
Hey Q i was wondering if youve had enough time (a month) to answer DS211's question? If not no worries we can wait
ABBA and how men have misused it and more spiritual gems from this weeks meeting!!!
by Jon Preston inwell what a great spiritual feast weve had!
im not going to go into the "bible study" because it was more about how merciful and loving etc that god is.. so fast forward to the school:.
the bibke reading was intriguing gen 17-20. the only thing i found interesting was this:.
Jon Preston
I know the twistings are right there and its appalling that they dont notice. One comment fom the jehovah book was "Well Jehivah is merciful because he could just tell us 'worship me or die'. But he doesnt he is merciful and gives us the choice and forgives us. But he doesnt just want us to worship him cause he needs it he actually wants to draw coose to us...."
I had to go to the toilet just to bang my head against the wall to figure it out.
22 I'm getting mad
by Angus Beef inventing.... hubby visited with sil (with gotee intact), got the wt don't approve speech and the 'we've been missing you at the meetings".. he gave all the excuses he could for why we weren't there.
i'm at the point of just telling them the truth as why... but we will be giving up our grandchildren.
i just don't know if i can do it, give up the grandkids.
Jon Preston
My wife was told last night to "never wear that dress to the kingdom hall again"......pissed me off cause a 300 lb sister said i told my wife "tell her to stop wearing tight highlighter yellow spandex in the daytime while riding her bike with the umbrella on it around town.....
ABBA and how men have misused it and more spiritual gems from this weeks meeting!!!
by Jon Preston inwell what a great spiritual feast weve had!
im not going to go into the "bible study" because it was more about how merciful and loving etc that god is.. so fast forward to the school:.
the bibke reading was intriguing gen 17-20. the only thing i found interesting was this:.
Jon Preston
Lol nice. Yea i didnt tell my wife but i was so pale because the blood was rushing away from my head frok being absokutely bored stupid with it.
ABBA and how men have misused it and more spiritual gems from this weeks meeting!!!
by Jon Preston inwell what a great spiritual feast weve had!
im not going to go into the "bible study" because it was more about how merciful and loving etc that god is.. so fast forward to the school:.
the bibke reading was intriguing gen 17-20. the only thing i found interesting was this:.
Jon Preston
Well what a great spiritual feast weve had!
Im not going to go into the "Bible Study" because it was more about how merciful and loving etc that God is.
So fast forward to the School:
The Bibke reading was intriguing Gen 17-20. The only thing i found interesting was this:
Gen 18:1-18
About the three men that came to Abraham under the tree. Now this is ONLY my speculation but i was confused by 3 men being mentioned as Jehovah....and i couldnt help but toying with the idea that these 3 men, perhaps represented the Father, Son, and Holy spirit....the bible doesnt say they were angels, but men. When they spoke, it calls them Jehovah. Please correct me if im wrong tho. Anyways moving on.
my wife did the number 2 talk about how Christ Did not go to heaven in a physical body.
One scripture she used was Acts 10: 40, 41: 40 God raised this one up on the third day and allowed him to become manifest, 41 not to all the people, but to witnesses appointed beforehand by God, to us, who ate and drank with him after his rising from the dead.
Interesting scripture surely.
Now. This is all fine and good but i thought "Wait a minute, does the Bible say theres one mediator between God and men, a MAN, Jesus Christ"....and so i thought "Hie is the mediator a man if hes a spirit?" weird.
Next was the 3 talk: Abba in the bible and how men have misused it.
the brother used the insight book and taked about the three scriptures that use abba and all that. Then he basically said ALL christendom misuses ABBA: like abbot, abby, etc which are derived from it and how Jesus said we shoukdnt call anyone "Father" in a spiritual sense and that this goes against what christ says. So the implication is onky Jehovahs people know how to use ABBA properly (its only for the spirit begottn 144,000 anointed to use--were just his friends).
And then i got bombed by the service meeting which spoke of setting spiritual goals. A brother pioneer was interviewed and talked about how much happier pioneers were blah wife nodded in agreement throughout and asked me why i looked so pale lol....and thats about it. YAY what a banquet of spiritual food for me to feast on....
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